Great content marketing should do a lot for your business, but ignoring great content can be detrimental. Here are a few things great content marketing can do for you:
- they will help you develop a clear brand and marketing strategy
- this strategy will help you find new customers and retain current ones
- your optimized content your search engine rankings will rise, providing undeniable value for your company
- workload (and likely stress levels) for an overworked owner or manager will go down, and the quality of your content marketing will go up
- your business will look professional and remain consistent across the web
Consistency across the web also includes social media. According to the study “Why People Unfollow Your Brand on Social Media“, social media followers generally agree on what they are looking for from brands. Here are some of the findings:
Of those surveyed:
- “68% of our respondents said that they would want a brand to post between 1-2 times per day on Facebook; 63% on Twitter; 72% on LinkedIn.”
- “19% said they want brands to post between 3-5 times per day on Facebook; 24% on Twitter; 13% on LinkedIn.”
- “45% said that they would unfollow a brand on social media because of too much self-promotion”
- “Over 20% of respondents said that they would unfollow a brand on both Facebook and Twitter if they believed the content was boring or repetitive.”
- “Over 15% said they would unfollow a brand on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter if it posted more than six times a day.”
So as you can see from this data, it’s kind of like the story of Goldilocks: you have to find the right temperature of your audience. And, your business needs to be consistent in your efforts.
Posting too little is bad, posting too much is bad, and posting boring, irrelevant content is really bad. Confused yet? Don’t be.
Content marketing is a technique that has been around since the invention of the newspaper. But now, we’re all publishing online and trying to make it past the noise and into our target audience’s mind.